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        Total Views: 41023 - Total Replies: 6
Jul 13 2013, 10:12 pm - By COCRICO

Does anyone know how to get BHDTS to work on Windows 8? Compatibility does not work it.
Did not realise I had touched incorrect keys earlier

Again, my OS is Windows 8

Jul 13 2013, 11:01 pm - Replied by: Photons

Have not tried on win 8 yet,I am only  running it on my media center PC because it was so cheap and  I was getting tired of VISTA acting up. Is your copy 32 bit or 64?
Jul 14 2013, 12:17 am - Replied by: COCRICO

Does anyone know how to get BHDTS to work on Windows 8? Compatibility does not work it.
Did not realise I had touched incorrect keys earlier

Again, my OS is Windows 8
Mar 17 2018, 9:31 am - Replied by: Sweed --SoJ--
Sweed --SoJ--

my OS is windows 8 and the game works just fine ,so the problem might be somewhere else, cant help you more but maybe you got a clue.
Mar 24 2018, 1:37 am - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=





Mar 24 2018, 10:43 am - Replied by: Baldo the Don
Baldo the Don


The best way I know how to reinstall DFBHD(TS) and update it correctly by Baldo the Don

NAVSPECWARCOM's Nova Journal - Collected and edited by Baldo_the_Don

I used to have a fairly informative signature, but apparently, my account's been reset. What had made my sig so informative were the various links I had to tutorial and helpful threads I had posted, which have all been deleted by the resetting of my account, so if you click a link in one of my replies and it's invalid, that's why.

I may get around to reposting these tutorials, if they are missed by enough people. We'll see...

Meanwhile, if you need to see something I posted, all my stuff can be found at www.DFReload.com

Apr 11 2018, 3:21 am - Replied by: PXP Loki
PXP Loki

Have an awesome week - Work together not against each other.

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