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Sub-Forum Delta Force: Blackhawk Down
Topic comming soon
comming soon
        Total Views: 7095 - Total Replies: 3
Aug 19 2023, 2:06 am - By Who.Cares  =ea=
Who.Cares  =ea=


Aug 24 2023, 8:58 am - Replied by: DocGerbil

Looks awful. It is Delta Force in name only, and a Chinese company making a game about an American military group feels really sketchy.

I wonder if THQ Nordic sold the past games to them? Tencent will probably pull the plug on the old games’ servers (and these forums) before long. 
Aug 24 2023, 10:56 am - Replied by: FOK Squad
FOK Squad

DocGerbil wrote:
Looks awful. It is Delta Force in name only, and a Chinese company making a game about an American military group feels really sketchy.

I wonder if THQ Nordic sold the past games to them? Tencent will probably pull the plug on the old games’ servers (and these forums) before long. 

Yeah, if China owns this say goodbye to it soon unless they can figure out a way to turn a profit.

China is the type of place that will sell you software services with ANNUAL or LIFETIME rates. Then, 5 years later and after several major version upgrades... they will tell you the LIFETIME rate you paid for only involved the major version you were on when you purchased that package.  Like V9.  Forget that they upgraded you all the way to V12 according to the lifetime understanding... suddenly they switch the terms mid stream and want more money out of you.  

Yep... this place is done if China owns it. 
Friends of Keith
Aug 27 2023, 9:16 pm - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

hey ther you can read all at nova.)





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