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Topic US Weekend Warriors 1
US Weekend Warriors 1
        Total Views: 22566 - Total Replies: 6
Mar 14 2023, 9:13 pm - By buzzer  -SoF-
buzzer  -SoF-

Got Banned from US Weekend Warriors 1. Someone was team killing and I did not know they had a bad word thing on. 316.  Its funny how they can get away with team killing. But the first bad word is Ban time. I never say bad words on any servers. But this time was the first time I have ever did it. Sorry. How do you get a hold of the admin for that game.... Sabre6
Mar 15 2023, 1:48 pm - Replied by: woodstone

You were typing swear words, multiple times.  WW has a no tolerance policy.  And it's mentioned on the loading screen.
Team killing?  In Weekend Warriors?  When?   How?  Who?  Friendly Fire is off...
Mar 17 2023, 4:28 pm - Replied by: buzzer  -SoF-
buzzer  -SoF-

Are you the admin for that server?
Mar 17 2023, 9:57 pm - Replied by: buzzer  -SoF-
buzzer  -SoF-

woodstone wrote:
You were typing swear words, multiple times.  WW has a no tolerance policy.  And it's mentioned on the loading screen.
Team killing?  In Weekend Warriors?  When?   How?  Who?  Friendly Fire is off...

The next day I got banned and when I placed a satchel (player 316) would keep shooting a grenade every time I placed one down. I have been playing OJ for 25 years and never been banned before. I don't normally say bad words but this guy just got in my grove.  and he was teasing me because im a girl. I could not take it and it just came out.
Mar 18 2023, 5:57 am - Replied by: woodstone

Sabre6 is the mod. 
Mar 24 2023, 5:54 pm - Replied by: buzzer  -SoF-
buzzer  -SoF-

so how do I get a hold of him?
Mar 29 2023, 4:11 pm - Replied by: buzzer  -SoF-
buzzer  -SoF-

How long is the bann for? I must bet the only one ban on this server

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