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Can "original JOTR" and "Joint Ops Combined Arms Gold" run on the same computer
        Total Views: 23089 - Total Replies: 2
Jan 12 2022, 1:03 pm - By Timberwolf 2004
Timberwolf 2004

I have been running " Combined arms Gold " version of game for few years now,,, recently found my old original version of  "Joint operations typhoon rising " and want to install it again because only the older version will work with AW2 mod.

can both versions of the game the original and the gold pack version run and work on one computer (the same computer) ?

will my nova account get confused if it sees me playing two different versions of joint ops ?
Make a tea, sit down, relax and play JOE coop,
May 15 2022, 7:22 am - Replied by: Nex3ukWoW

Install into different folders, shouldnt be any issue no.
Jul 25 2022, 2:22 am - Replied by: ShemihazaH


You don't need to keep both folders.

In your CAG directory you will find a folder named EXPANSIONS.

Copy that folder into your JOTR folder.

Now you have Escalations in your JOTR directory and you can safely uninstall CAG.

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