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Armored Fist 3 Online Multiplayer Gameplay is ALIVE! in 2019
        Total Views: 10009 - Total Replies: 0
Jan 20 2019, 12:49 am - By Noddynod443

Howdy everybody, 

 I just wanted to let all y'all who are novalogic fans or (Armored Fist 3 fans) know that online multiplayer gameplay for Armored Fist 3 is no longer dead, but is Alive and well!

[my reasoning is that if I can "advertise" this info to enough Novalogic fans AF3 servers (novaworld.cc) may be "repopulated"/filled]

DOWNLOAD LINK to the Alternative Novaworld server fixes are available on moddb and in the videos descriptions.

So please share this info. Would be nice to see 32 player AF3 online games 

If you have the ability, please host your own AF3 servers. Lets get the nostalgic, good old game rolling again!

video of coop gameplay: 

video of deathmatch (test):

I am currently hosting a dedicated host on novaworld.cc called "AF3 DM 2019". I have one unmanned player joined in called "inactivePL" because the game requires two players to join before it will unpause and start the round.

If you plan join any server on novaworld.cc or to host your own server on novaworld.cc please download the server fixes from moddb: Moddb Link 

Also, if you what to host a server that cycles through several maps please download the Armored Fist 3 mappack from moddb: Moddb Mappack Link 

And be sure to port forward: UDP 2803, TCP/UDP 3587, and TCP/UDP 19187.

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