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Topic Rename Token
Rename Token
        Total Views: 15861 - Total Replies: 9
Oct 09 2017, 8:21 am - By RR-Fixx  -RR-
RR-Fixx  -RR-

Is there still a way to get a rename tokens?
Thanks, Fixx

 photo 400x207FullSig.gif
Oct 09 2017, 8:38 am - Replied by: PLAzmA

I very much doubt it, ive not heard of a single person who has got a response out of thq when then sent them any message about anything nova related.

Currently the tactic appears to be every time someone mentions novaworld they put their fingers in their ears and shout la la la 

Strangely the domains now in thq name, but as far as im aware none of the hosting ever moved from the original servers.

I would love to be proved wrong, but im yet to see any evidence they have ever acknowledged us nova users even exist.
Oct 09 2017, 10:50 am - Replied by: MOXEE.  -USM-

Fixx wrote:
Is there still a way to get a rename tokens?
Thanks, Fixx

what I sent you will take you there
Oct 09 2017, 11:13 am - Replied by: Bulldog1  =BCU=
Bulldog1  =BCU=

Be aware when ordering, I have tried to get some for other members of my squad and they have taken the money, (although it states that they are awaiting payment approval) but not given the rename tokens. 
Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFireSimple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire
Oct 09 2017, 1:19 pm - Replied by: BULLTACO.....  -USM-

Bulldog1 wrote:
Be aware when ordering, I have tried to get some for other members of my squad and they have taken the money, (although it states that they are awaiting payment approval) but not given the rename tokens. 
https://www.wirral.gov.uk/about-council/contact-us/emergency-contacts      If you go here yes you are write but that is not where yous go..................... USM has gold till 2020 and rename tokens stockpiled ....... BuIIdog if you need some gold let me knoos i can gets lots and lots and lots   oio     ()!()
Telephone ServiceMonday - Friday8am to 5pm:0151 606 2004Outside of these hours:0151 647 7810 Street sceneTo report an emergency relating to:  fly tipping

Fly  tipping you guys have a hot line for that? you guys are wierd. If you need to tip them over to see if they are boy or girl   just use a fly swater

Oct 09 2017, 2:33 pm - Replied by: Brav35  *DB*
Brav35  *DB*

I have several extras if you'd like one.

Oct 13 2017, 11:58 pm - Replied by: RR-Fixx  -RR-
RR-Fixx  -RR-

Thanks everyone. I got it worked out...
 photo 400x207FullSig.gif
Dec 23 2017, 2:25 pm - Replied by: tripper1  -LOC-
tripper1  -LOC-

I need a rename token


"Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand granades & sometimes landmines"; Anonymous
Aug 21 2024, 7:29 am - Replied by: NV-Vanquish  -OcL-
NV-Vanquish  -OcL-

im still looking for gold and a rename token does anyone know if you can still get it some where or somehow
Aug 26 2024, 11:37 pm - Replied by: Aunt Esther
Aunt Esther

NV-Vanquish wrote:
im still looking for gold and a rename token does anyone know if you can still get it some where or somehow

A google search for GOLD produced this:

Looks like it lets you add it to the cart. I vaguely remember reading a post where someone said they bought gold and completed the transaction, but didn't get the gold credited to their account. Contacting someone who can help you here is very difficult. If you don't get credited for the purchase you might need to go thru the dispute process to get your money back.  

Good Luck.

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