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General Support Discussions  »  Joint Operations  »  Novaworld server issues  
Posted on Mar 30 2023, 10:05 am by ajkwak

is novaserver down?, i cannot make a connection, for the first in 13 years.!
General Support Discussions  »  Joint Operations  »  US Weekend Warriors 1  
Posted on Mar 29 2023, 4:11 pm by buzzer  -SoF-

How long is the bann for? I must bet the only one ban on this server
  »  Español  »  DF1 | Versión en español  
Posted on Mar 08 2023, 4:45 pm by Darkvidian

Older Games  »  Delta Force series  »  DF1 | Spanish version  
Posted on Mar 08 2023, 2:50 pm by Darkvidian

I remember there's a Spanish version of Delta Force 1, where the interface and voices were dubbed; I played it at the time. A few years ago, I bought the Steam version, but it's only available in English. I searched the internet and found little trac
General Support Discussions  »  Older Games  »  DF1 | Steam | Product key  
Posted on Mar 08 2023, 2:10 pm by Darkvidian

I purchased Delta Force 1 on Steam, but, unlike other versions of the franchise, it does not include a product key, is it possible to get it somehow?Thank you so much in advance for your attention and support.
Viewing 141 - 160 out of 11566 Topics

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